Friday, September 18, 2015

How to consume W+

How to consume W+?
  1. Start to consume on the first day of menstruation and up to ten days in a row. Take 2 packets a day, morning and night respectively and continue this practice for the next menstrual cycle.
  2. Menopausal women taking one packet per day.
  3. Pour powder W+ under the tongue, dilute with oral fluid, then absorb the nutrients products slowly.
** Pregnant women are not encouraged to consume.
After consume the W+, you may experience the following physical reactions:
Physical reactionReasonsTreatment
DiarrheaExcessive bad bacteria in the large intestine.Drink water; eat vegetables and fruits in abundance. Lots of exercise. Consume W+ from the first day of menstruation, 2 packets a day until the tenth day in a row, then continue again on next menstrual cycle.
Fart a lot, chest tightness, nausea, feel like vomitingWeak of digestion system, hormone imbalances.Consume W+ from the first day of menstruation, 2 packets a day until the tenth consecutive day (after meal), then continue again on next menstrual cycle.
Acne, red skin dotted, sweatingLiver function deteriorates, too many toxins in the body, hormone imbalance.Drink water, eat vegetables and fruits in abundance. Lots of exercise. Consume W+ from the first day of menstruation, 2 packets a day until the tenth day in a row, then continue again on next menstrual cycle.
Easily tired, like to sleep, hand and foot painBody’s pH acidic, decreased liver function, stress, over fatigue or taking too many drugs.Consume W+ from the first day of menstruation, 1 packet per day until the tenth day in a row (at night), then continue again on the next menstrual cycle. Drink water, eat vegetables and fruits in abundance. Reduce intake of meat and have sufficient rest.
Dizziness, tiredness, want to sleep, weakness, easy to feel hungryLow blood sugar, anemia. During the burning of fat, blood sugar will drop.Consume W+ from the first day of menstruation, 2 packets a day until the tenth consecutive day (after meal), then continue again on next menstrual cycle.
Mild fever, very enthusiastic, hard to sleep at nightPromote blood circulation, increase body metabolism, producing energy, increase body temperature.Drink plenty of water, consume the W+ from the first day of menstruation, 1 packet per day until the tenth consecutive day (morning), then continue again on next menstrual cycle.
Hands and feet numb, stiffBad blood circulation, lack of calcium.Drink more milk or intake high calcium diet, consume the W+ from the first day of menstruation, 2 packets a day until the tenth day in a row, then continue again on next menstrual cycle.
Facial and leg swelling, weight gainDeterioration of renal function and heart.Light diet, consume W+ from the first day of menstruation, 2 packets a day until the tenth day in a row, then continue again on next menstrual cycle.
Breast pain and tendernessActivating the estrogen receptor.Consume W+ from the first day of menstruation, 2 packets a day until the tenth day in a row, and then continue again on the next menstrual cycle.
Abnormal and excessive white dischargeRegulating hormone levels in the body, remove toxins in the body.Consume W+ from the first day of menstruation, 2 packets a day until the tenth day in a row, and then continue again on next menstrual cycle.
Early or delay of menstruationRegulating hormone levels in the body.Consume W+ from the first day of menstruation, 1 packet per day until the tenth day in a row, and then continue again on next menstrual cycle.
**Every individual has different physical reactions because of the condition of health of each individual is not the same.

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